How To Airdrop Tokens on REAPit Wallet (Telegram)

REAPit Wallet
1 min readJan 4, 2021

If you want to airdrop tokens or coins on REAPit Wallet, make sure that you have sufficient available balance in your REAPit Wallet account. Then you can enter the correct commands on Telegram and anyone who replies or type the trigger #iwantToREAP gets the airdrop. :) Yes, it is that simple!

Users that have typed the phrase #iwantToREAP will see their token on the balance details.

Airdropping tokens are limited to any token listed on REAPit Wallet. We are working hard on adding new tokens in future.

Command: To Airdrop REAP tokens.
/airdrop <amount> <token> <number of users> <claim trigger or text

eg /airdrop 0.9333 REAP 5 #IwantToREAP

Command: To Airdrop other tokens.
/airdrop <amount> <token> <number of users> <claim trigger or text

eg /airdrop 0.0000009 ETH 5 #IwantToREAP

To avoid abuse the airdrop system, only the admins of a group can airdrop tokens to its users.

The REAPit team will soon make this function available to both regular users as well.



REAPit Wallet

REAPit’s concept is simple and built around 3 mechanics: tip fellow defi investors, governance, & burns. Through REAPit you’ll be able to tip, swap, and stake.